Friday, November 3, 2017 @ 7:30pm – 9:50pm (PDT)
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$25, $20 seniors, under 18 free

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach — Selected works
Heinrich Bach — Selected works
Johann Michael Bach — Selected works
Johann Sebastian Bach — Selected works
Johann Bernhard Bach — Selected works

Tekla Cunningham and Corentin Pokorny, violins
Romaric Pokorny, viola
Nathan Whittaker, cello
Henry Lebedinsky, organ

Bach. No other family in European history produced so many remarkable musicians – over 70 in all. This program features music by five great Bachs, with music spanning the century from 1650-1750. The lineup includes Heinrich, Johann Michael, Johann Sebastian, Carl Philipp Emmanuel, and Johann Bernhard, all performed by the Underground House Band led by Tekla Cunningham.

Admission to this fun, informal Cabaret Concert is $25 general, $20 seniors, under 18 free, and includes complimentary wine and refreshments.

St. Augustine's in-the-Woods Episcopal Church

5217 South Honeymoon Bay Road
Freeland, WA 98249
United States
(360) 331-4887