Weston Roth

Weston Roth's roles with Opera Theater Oregon include Polydeuces in Giasone and The Argonauts (2014), and chorus in The Cunning Little Vixen (2013). He has also sung with the Intel Singers chorus and the Community Music Center Madrigal Singers. Weston has been studying voice with Nancy Olson Chatalas since 2012, during which time he has performed opera arias and lieder in recital and master classes with her studio. In 2016 Weston took 1st place at the NATS Cascade Chapter Classical festival in the adult recreational division. A talented singer and guitarist, Weston also performs with the Alternative Liturgy program at Trinity Episcopal Church and plays electric guitar for the local Portland band, Mostly Stones.

Ping & Woof: Amahl & the Night Visitors

Sunday, January 7, 2024 @ 4:00pm – 6:00pm (PST)
St. John the Baptist Episcopal, Portland, OR, United States

Free (donations appreciated)