Saturday, November 7, 2015 @ 2:00pm – 4:00pm (PST)

David Sabee, conductor
Northwest Sinfonia

Glenna Burmer – The Big Bang
Eric Goetz – Planetary Theme and Variation
Howard Mostrom – Life of a Star
Nan Avant – Bijoux
Kohl Hebert – The Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt
Barry Dowsett – The Evolution of Carbon and Stardust
Tim Huling – Astrobiology
Stan LePard – Images of Emergence

Origins: Life and the Universe is an audiovisual concert that pays tribute to some of the greatest discoveries made by space scientists. In collaboration with the University of Washington Astrobiology Program in the Department of Astronomy, eight Seattle composers will premiere original gorgeous orchestral music that showcases the complexity and beauty of our universe.

The symphonic concert will be accompanied by projected high-resolution movies created using some of the most spectacular imagery, videos and conceptual art from the Hubble telescope, NASA, JPL, the European Southern Observatory, the European Space Agency, the University of Washington, the IRFU-CEA in Paris and collaborating astronomy departments across the globe.

This live concert will feature Grammy-award winning conductor David Sabee, and the renowned NW Sinfonia orchestra. The concert is a benefit for the scholarship program at the University of Washington Astrobiology Program in the Department of Astronomy.