Saturday, December 1, 2018 @ 7:30pm – 9:00pm (PST)
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$25 ($20 seniors, under 18 free)

PMW Underground House Choir
Henry Lebedinsky, director

Pacific MusicWorks Underground and the Whidbey Island Music Festival present their second season of fun, informal, Cabaret-style concerts in the beautiful parish hall of St. Augustine's Episcopal Church. Enjoy world-class performance along with insights into the stories behind the music and complimentary wine and refreshments.

Whip up a big batch of holiday cheer with an old fashioned Country Christmas featuring music from Renaissance and Baroque Italy, France, Spain, and Latin America. Henry Lebedinsky and the Underground House Choir serve up holiday treats including Isabella Leonarda’s luminous Gloria in Excelsis Deo, rustic and boisterous country carols, and tender lullabies. Don't miss out!

About Alan Wheaton

Alan Wheaton is an active professional tenor in the Seattle area. In addition to his freelance work, Alan serves as a section leader at Christ Episcopal Church and a regular singer for the Dickens Carolers. He is also past member and cantor with the St. Mark’s Compline Choir.

St. Augustine's in-the-Woods Episcopal Church

5217 South Honeymoon Bay Road
Freeland, WA 98249
United States
(360) 331-4887