Friday, April 24, 2020 @ 8:00pm – 11:00pm (EDT)
Online event
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$5 suggested donation

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The Acorn Series is a multi-venue series devoted to the improvisatory arts. This concert is a reworking of the cancelled 3/27 Acorn concert which was put together by Deirdre Harrison and Eric Leonardson as part of their home series concerts, a series which will continue once convening in person resumes. Tonight's concert has been reworked and organized by Nomi Epstein.

5:00pm-5:30pm Pacific (7:00pm – 7:30pm
Erica Miller, cello and electronics

Erica Miller is an interdisciplinary artist, cellist, and composer based in Chicago. Her work is predominantly improvised and embodies a relationship between natural and artificial sound, movement of the body, meditation, and consciousness. In her music, she takes a personal approach in an exploration of sonic landscapes using an interweave of extended technique, drones, prepared instrumentation, electronic looping and feedback. She performs with several improvisational and genre-free groups throughout Chicago and the US.

5:30pm-6:00pm Pacific (7:30pm – 8:00pm
Veronica Salinas, electronics

Veronica Anne Salinas is a writer and artist working with sound, performance, improvisation, installation, electronics, and experimental narrative. Her work chronicles identity, sonic environments, mysticism and meditations, acoustic ecology, and the body. Her essay, Sounding La Raza Cósmica is featured in the anthology Latina Outsiders: Remaking Latina Identity (2019) by Routledge. She is a graduate student in the Sound department at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago

6:00pm-6:30pm Pacific (8:00pm – 8:30pm
Chloe Lin, pipa

Chloe Yu Nong Lin is a musician and composer from Taiwan. Lin has been working many interdisciplinary works with Chinese orchestras and dance company in Taiwan. Lin currently engages in solo pipa improvisation and experimental composition. In Lin’s music and sounds, she focuses on the relationship between her body movements and her instrument, the pipa. Her performances involve music, sounds, silence, extended techniques, movements, light, and shadow.

6:30pm-7:00pm Pacific (8:30pm-9:00pm Central)
Thessia Machado
Thessia Machado is a visual/sound artist, instrument builder and performer whose work plumbs the materiality of sound and its effect on our shifting perceptions of space. She creates circumstances in which to mine the matter of her pieces for their innate physical properties and the sonic and visual relationships that can arise from their interactions. In improvised and composed performed works, the ensemble of things is augmented by a dynamically responsive and intentionally unpredictable human element. Electronics are almost always implicated.

7:00pm-7:30pm Pacific (9:00pm-9:30pm Central)
Kimberly Sutton, cello and electronics
Kimberly A. Sutton is a cellist, sound artist and composer living in Chicago, IL. Her installation and sound design work explores the subtleties of daily life and connections between the physical properties of sound and cultural signifiers of its content. As a composer and improviser her practice involves meditational exploration of a physical connection with an instrument. Recent installations have been shown at ArtPrize and the Chicago Home Theater Festival and compositions at Detroit Contemporary and the Technosonics Festival at the University of Virginia. She has a BA in Political Science and Music from the University of Chicago and an MFA in Electronic Music and Recorded Media from Mills College.

7:30pm-8:00pm Pacific (9:30pm-10:00pm Central)
Sara Zalek
Sara Zalek (they/them/we/our/us), is a performing artist and facilitator, rooted in physical investigations of trauma, resilience, hybrids, and our complicated relationship to knowing. Our work challenges the capitalist quest for the eternal elixir, and asserts the intentional act of disruption to create social and ecological change. We connect national and international teaching artists with Chicago art makers across genres in the independent and fringe arenas (including dance, Butoh, Physical Theater, Experimental Music). We foster positive communication and arts integration within Chicago’s complex, overlapping sectors. We create opportunities for workshops, performances, and conversations about the body, for the body. Butoh Curious / Butoh Chicago: Our individual selves serve as microcosms of the collective body. We wish to thrive and to dance, passionately, creatively, respectfully.

The Quarantine Concerts are a collaborative endeavor meant to provide artists a space to share their work and continue to earn a living during this time when most live performance opportunities have been cancelled due to COVID-19. We believe in the necessity of art during difficult moments like these, and feel fortunate to live in a time when loss of mobility does not have to mean loss of community. Thank you for being here.

Watch the livestream here:
• Twitch:
• Website:

Suggested donation of $5/evening – think of it like paying cover to a concert! 100% of the donations contributed during each performance go to the artists who played that night.

Link to donate:

Note: Livestream concerts are subject to change without notice. If a livestream doesn't take place, we hope you'll visit the performers' website to explore their recorded performances, or discover another group to listen to online!