Thursday, March 11, 2021 @ 7:30pm – 8:30pm (EST)
Online event

Benjamin Beilman, violin
Matthew Lipman, viola
Nicholas Canellakis, cello
Tara Helen O’Connor, flute
Christopher Froh, percussion
Ayano Kataoka, percussion
Ian David Rosenbaum, percussion

Andreia Pinto Correia – Três quadros de Vieira da Silva/Fragmentos Múltiplos for violin and viola
Toru Takemitsu – Rain Tree for percussion trio
Jessie Montgomery – Duo for Violin and Cello
Alejandro Viñao – Formas del Viento for flute and percussion

Concerts in this series include a rich array of newly recorded performances along with archival recordings, interview clips, and supporting material to help introduce the composers to new audiences and deepen the listening experience for those already familiar with the composers and their work. A special section on the CMS Website will offer additional insights through extensive historical and biographical information along with program notes.

The full event will remain available to watch on demand.

The broadcast will take place at 7:30pm Eastern / 4:30pm Pacific.

Watch the broadcast here

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