Sunday, April 18, 2021 @ 4:00pm – 6:00pm (EDT)
Online event
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Free (Free (RSVP required))

Unsuk Chin — Selected works
Kaija Saariaho — Selected works
Caroline Shaw — Selected works
Hildegard von Bingen — Selected works

Artist, critic, and photographer Teju Cole curates an event that pairs readings from his story Radia with musical works. He describes Radia as “a story about travel and discovery, a story of affliction and affiliation, set in a melancholy time. But within it is the germ of an as yet unseen future. Music, which is such a great part of our survival, is also what will survive us. This program, at the core of which lie several pieces for string quartet, evokes these interlocking themes of sadness and hope.” Readings by Cole sit alongside musical works that span nearly a millennium in their creation, including pieces by Hildegard von Bingen, Unsuk Chin, Kaija Saariaho, Caroline Shaw, and more. Following the program, Cole joins in a live conversation.

The broadcast will take place at 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific.

Event is free; RSVP required.

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