Thursday, May 27, 2021 @ 7:00pm – 8:00pm (PDT)
Online event
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Free (Free)

Danny Clay — Selected works

Travis Andrews, guitar
Andy Meyerson, percussion
Danny Clay, composer

Tonight's concert is a culmination of a workshop world-renowned ensemble The Living Earth Show (guitarist Travis Andrews, MM ’09, and percussionist Andy Meyerson, MM ’10) held with SFCM students.

Composer Danny Clay crafted a living score that students added to throughout the workshop.

Experience a peaceful expression created during and for the last year and performed by members of the San Francisco Girls Chorus as we explore what music will mean post-pandemic.

The livestream will take place at 7:00pm Pacific. Broadcasting live from San Francisco, CA.

Watch online:

These performances were made to bring us together no matter our social distance. If you liked what you heard, please consider supporting SFCM and the fantastic students here. Learn more about and support SFCM: