Friday, November 18, 2022 @ 7:30pm – 8:30pm (PST)
St. James Cathedral, Seattle, WA, United States
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Free (suggested donation: $20 general, $12 senior/student, or pay what you can)

St. James Cathedral Organist and Director of Music Joseph Adam continues on a year-long celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of César Franck and his magnificent contributions to the French organ repertoire. In this series of four recitals, Franck's major works are surveyed along with major works by his most important successors at the Basilica of St. Clotilde in Paris. This third program includes Franck's Cantabile in B major (1878), Fantaisie in C, Op. 16, and Choral III in A minor, as well as Symphonie d'après »Media vita« (1932) by Joseph-Ermend Bonnal (1880-1944).

Tickets are a suggested donation of $20 ($12 for students & seniors), or pay what you can. Walk-up ticket sales will be available only at the Marion St. & Terry Ave. entrance. Those with advance tickets may enter through any of the three Cathedral entrances.

COVID-19 Guidelines: Proof of vaccination is no longer required for Cathedral events. The CDC and King County Public Health continue to strongly recommend you wear a mask at large indoor events. While not required, we encourage all concert attendees to wear masks while community spread continues. We ask that all audience members be respectful of each other's choices. This policy is subject to change based on Archdiocesan, King County, and Washington State COVID guidelines and regulations.

St. James Cathedral

804 9th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
United States
(206) 382-4874