Sunday, December 17, 2023 @ 10:00pm – 10:45pm (PST)
Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle, WA, United States

These informal Organ by Night mini-concerts have introduced generations of Seattleites to the power and beauty of a real pipe organ. All are welcome to listen in the nave, or join the organist in the loft to see what playing an instrument of this size is really like. (The radio program The Organ Loft, which airs on KING-FM immediately following Compline each week, was inspired by this tradition.) A Q&A in the loft usually follows the performance.

The new iteration of this offering, called "Organ by Night," will be offered once a month, on the third Sunday of each month.

Note: The decision to include these informal presentations on the Compline livestream is left to the discretion of the organist. Some prefer not to, for a variety or reasons. The choice to livestream Organ by Night or not will typically not be announced in advance.

About John Stuntebeck, organ

John Stuntebeck serves as the Associate Organist at Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral where he leads congregational singing, accompanies the choirs, and offers selections from the organ repertoire for church services throughout the liturgical year. John is passionate about liturgical improvisation and he provides musical creations inspired by the Gospels and the great hymn texts of the ages at many services at St. Mark’s. In addition to being a church musician, John is an accomplished organist, pianist and accompanist who has performed in a wide variety of concerts of varying styles throughout the greater Puget Sound. He earned the degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Ohio State University in Spanish linguistics in 2003 and received his Masters in Music in organ performance in 2009 from the University of Washington, studying with Carole Terry and Mel Butler. As well as being a professional musician, John works full time as a senior IT program/project manager at Kaiser Permanente.

Saint Mark's Cathedral

1245 10th Ave E
Seattle, WA 98102
United States