Low Key Chamber Concert Series No. 11: L. Goldman, double bass & G. Pritsker, guitar

Sunday, February 20, 2022 @ 5:00pm – 6:00pm (EST)
Online event
Gene Pritsker — Selected works
Laurence Goldman — Selected works
Roger Trefousse — Selected works
Randall Woolf — Selected works


[BROADCAST] New Music Gathering: Kathleen Supové, piano

Wednesday, June 24, 2020 @ 9:00pm – 11:00pm (EDT)
Online event
Paula Matthusen – ...by the inexplicabilities we call coincidence
Randall Woolf – A Face In The Crowd
Jay Derderian – The People We Think They Are
Belinda Reynolds – Steps: In Memory of Step Kastel
Corey Dargel – Removable Parts (w/ Corey Dargel, composer/singer/actor)
Sika Stanton/Donovan Smith – The Numbers (documentary)
Followed by live Q&A.
